Episode 1: Going from Victim to Victor

Shari Hand podcast Life from the Curb

Show Notes:

In our launch episode, I introduce myself, talk about the intention of the Life from the Curb podcast, and what the research tells us about moving our thinking from a place of victimhood to being a victor in our own lives.  We also talk about the relationship between victim thinking and what our culture stands to gain from our worries and fears. 


Additional Resources:

Life from the Curb

Life from the Curb is a popular podcast about leading the best life possible: we're having nourishing conversations with people with incredible stories, introducing the concepts and tools that they've used to create rich connections and changes in their lives, and getting the skinny on the real-life stories of those who have made a difference (warts and all). Your host is Shari Hand, a certified professional coach who coaches leaders who are ready for big changes in their lives. You can read more about her work here. Enjoy and subscribe above to be notified of our next episode!